Caring From Bedside to StreetSide

Jun. 07, 2023 By: khadijahhenderson

Alumni Spotlight: Caring From Bedside to Streetside

Tiffany Nelson, MSN, RN, ANP-C, has always worked hard to achieve her goals, including the impressive credentials behind her name. Yet all her success is driven by her passion to help others. It's in her DNA.

Her mom was a nurse and died when Tiffany was just 15. Raised by her grandparents from then on, Tiffany was shaped by her mother as well as by her grandmother, who dedicated herself to community work and opened her home to those in need.

Faculty Handbook

Submitted by khadijahhenderson on

The Faculty Handbook is a compilation of Goldfarb policies and procedures intended to serve as a source of information for the convenience of faculty.

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